In order to receive and process your alert, you must confirm that you have read this Privacy Notice. In the event that you do not accept the conditions in accordance with the provisions of the notice, you will not be able to make the communication.
The complaints channel is managed by FG ADVOCATS SLP (GPS COMPLIANCE PENAL) (hereinafter, the COMPANY), using the ithikios platform, owned by Digital Products Development SL, a company specialized in offering management systems for internal complaint channels For businesses. It maintains a contractual relationship with the COMPANY in charge of the treatment for the purpose of receiving, storing and sending communications to the Company's Compliance team. Ithikios guarantees security and confidentiality for the purpose of the contracted treatment.
Below, we show you the basic information on how we treat your personal data:
- Responsible for treatment: FG ADVOCATS SLP (hereinafter, the COMPANY) with registered office at Carrer Sant Llàtzer nº22, escala B 1r 2º and with NIF B-55235360. It is registered in the Mercantile Registry of Girona.
- Data protection delegate : You can contact through the contact: [email protected]
- Data object of treatment and origin: They will be: your contact information, if you provide them (name and surname, e-mail, telephone); name and position of the persons on whom it is reported; information (regardless of its nature) of the denounced facts.
- Purpose of the processing and legitimacy: In accordance with current regulations on data protection, the Company informs you that your personal data will be collected and processed for the purpose of: Analyzing, processing and investigating the facts communicated in a confidential manner; Manage the query that you ask us; Exchange information in order to complement your request; Interview you to clarify the facts reported, if applicable. Our legitimate interest is to ensure compliance with applicable policies and standards and/or legislation.
- Recipients of transfers: Those that are necessary in accordance with the Law, the service providers in their capacity as treatment managers. Also, in the course of an investigation, it may be necessary for us to share the facts you report with another group company, if it is involved in the facts; WE WILL ALWAYS KEEP YOUR ANONYMITY. No personal data will be transferred to other third parties, except legal obligation.
- Recipient of international transfer: Those that derive from the processing of the complaint, question or concern to any other group company, as well as those derived from our relationship with the provider that manages the Complaints Channel with the guarantees that are included in the Privacy Policy.
- Rights of the interested parties: Access, rectification, suspension or oblivion, limitation, portability, opposition and to present claims before the control authorities.